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结构化参数空间的自然梯度下降(NGD)(例如,低级CovariRces)是由于困难的Fisher矩阵计算而在计算上具有挑战性。我们通过使用\ emph {local-parameter坐标}来解决此问题,以获取灵活且高效的NGD方法,适用于各种结构化参数化。我们显示了四个应用程序,我们的方法(1)概括指数自然进化策略,(2)恢复现有的牛顿样算法,(3)通过矩阵组产生新的结构化二阶算法,(4)给出了新的算法高斯和基于Wishart的分布的协方差。我们展示了深度学习,变分推论和进化策略的一系列问题。我们的工作为可扩展结构化几何方法开辟了新的方向。
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Automatic medical image classification is a very important field where the use of AI has the potential to have a real social impact. However, there are still many challenges that act as obstacles to making practically effective solutions. One of those is the fact that most of the medical imaging datasets have a class imbalance problem. This leads to the fact that existing AI techniques, particularly neural network-based deep-learning methodologies, often perform poorly in such scenarios. Thus this makes this area an interesting and active research focus for researchers. In this study, we propose a novel loss function to train neural network models to mitigate this critical issue in this important field. Through rigorous experiments on three independently collected datasets of three different medical imaging domains, we empirically show that our proposed loss function consistently performs well with an improvement between 2%-10% macro f1 when compared to the baseline models. We hope that our work will precipitate new research toward a more generalized approach to medical image classification.
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The aim of this study is to define importance of predictors for black box machine learning methods, where the prediction function can be highly non-additive and cannot be represented by statistical parameters. In this paper we defined a ``Generalized Variable Importance Metric (GVIM)'' using the true conditional expectation function for a continuous or a binary response variable. We further showed that the defined GVIM can be represented as a function of the Conditional Average Treatment Effect (CATE) squared for multinomial and continuous predictors. Then we propose how the metric can be estimated using using any machine learning models. Finally we showed the properties of the estimator using multiple simulations.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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Cartoons are an important part of our entertainment culture. Though drawing a cartoon is not for everyone, creating it using an arrangement of basic geometric primitives that approximates that character is a fairly frequent technique in art. The key motivation behind this technique is that human bodies - as well as cartoon figures - can be split down into various basic geometric primitives. Numerous tutorials are available that demonstrate how to draw figures using an appropriate arrangement of fundamental shapes, thus assisting us in creating cartoon characters. This technique is very beneficial for children in terms of teaching them how to draw cartoons. In this paper, we develop a tool - shape2toon - that aims to automate this approach by utilizing a generative adversarial network which combines geometric primitives (i.e. circles) and generate a cartoon figure (i.e. Mickey Mouse) depending on the given approximation. For this purpose, we created a dataset of geometrically represented cartoon characters. We apply an image-to-image translation technique on our dataset and report the results in this paper. The experimental results show that our system can generate cartoon characters from input layout of geometric shapes. In addition, we demonstrate a web-based tool as a practical implication of our work.
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The cover is the face of a book and is a point of attraction for the readers. Designing book covers is an essential task in the publishing industry. One of the main challenges in creating a book cover is representing the theme of the book's content in a single image. In this research, we explore ways to produce a book cover using artificial intelligence based on the fact that there exists a relationship between the summary of the book and its cover. Our key motivation is the application of text-to-image synthesis methods to generate images from given text or captions. We explore several existing text-to-image conversion techniques for this purpose and propose an approach to exploit these frameworks for producing book covers from provided summaries. We construct a dataset of English books that contains a large number of samples of summaries of existing books and their cover images. In this paper, we describe our approach to collecting, organizing, and pre-processing the dataset to use it for training models. We apply different text-to-image synthesis techniques to generate book covers from the summary and exhibit the results in this paper.
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孟加拉国手语(BDSL)与其他标志语言一样 - 对于普通人来说很难学习,尤其是在表达信件时。在这张海报中,我们提出了Persign,该系统可以通过引入标志手势来重现人的形象。我们使此操作个性化,这意味着生成的图像可以保持人的初始图像轮廓 - 脸部,肤色,服装,背景 - 不变,同时适当地改变了手,手掌和手指位置。我们使用图像到图像翻译技术并构建相应的唯一数据集来完成任务。我们认为,翻译的图像可以减少签名者(使用手语的人)和非签名者之间的沟通差距,而无需事先了解BDSL。
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在现代资本市场中,由于各种社会,财务,政治和其他动态因素,股票的价格通常被认为是高度波动和不可预测的。借助计算和周到的投资,股票市场可以通过最少的资本投资来确保可观的利润,而错误的预测可以轻松地为投资者带来灾难性的财务损失。本文介绍了最近引入的机器学习模型 - 变压器模型的应用,以预测孟加拉国领先的证券交易所达卡证券交易所(DSE)的未来价格。变压器模型已被广泛用于自然语言处理和计算机视觉任务,但据我们所知,从未在DSE进行股票价格预测任务。最近,介绍了代表时间序列功能的Time2VEC编码,使得可以采用变压器模型进行股票价格预测。本文集中于基于变压器的模型的应用,以根据其历史和每周的数据来预测DSE中列出的八个特定股票的价格转移。我们的实验证明了大多数股票的有希望的结果和可接受的根平方误差。
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